Friday, March 28, 2014


I am sorry I missed a few days of writing. I am on day 6 of the cleanse and I feel GREAT! I have gotten used to the shakes and   meals and am looking forward to next week when I am back on my chicken, fish and veggies.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Have a great Tuesday!

We survived Monday. Have a great Tuesday. How is the weather where you are. It feels like spring here in California! I love it. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 2 fast loss cleanse

Today was easier. I had breakfast and a shake with fruit for lunch and dinner tonight I will have dinner and a snack. Lots of water I am sure day 3 will be easier... 

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Day 1 is done! I am a little more hungrier than usual I'm hoping tomorrow is easier! 

LilofthisNthat: GNC Total Lean Fast Loss

LilofthisNthat: GNC Total Lean Fast Loss: So far I had my shake and a banana with the daily diet pak for breakfast. The vanilla bean shake is good. I am not a milk/shake person I dra...

GNC Total Lean Fast Loss

So far I had my shake and a banana with the daily diet pak for breakfast. The vanilla bean shake is good. I am not a milk/shake person I drank it slow. I have had lots of water this morning. I am drinking the citrus pre diet cleanse and it is good as well.  I am drinking it slow throughout the next few hours. I took the daily diet pak with breakfast because I will not be working out today. 

I will update the entire days info this evening 

singer Ciara celebrates her baby shower

 Ciara is GLOWING! She looks beautiful. Her new bundle of joy is due soon and she shared some of her baby shower pics via twitter @ciara   She looks natural and beautiful. Most of all she looks HAPPY!  
*photo credit from @ciara twitter 

Have a great week!

Have a great week. Today I start my cleanse I'll share pics all week and let you know my thoughts. Make sure you set goals for this week no matter what they are in regards to. Remember Rome was NOT built in a day. Take baby steps :-)

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Have a great weekend. I am taking a little road trip. Happy that I've made posts everyday this week. Next week there will be more! What's your weekend plans? 

Friday, March 21, 2014

GNC fast loss

Has anyone tried this cleanse? If so let me know your thoughts on it! I plan to start it Sunday and will take you along my journey. 

#worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple Kim & Kanye cover vogue

Kim Kardashian wish has come true she is in the cover of vogue along with Kanye West. There is a cute video online as well featuring baby North with the article the #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple grace the April cover of @voguemagazine 

*photo courtesy of Vogue Magazine 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fave TV shows

What are some of your fave shows. Mine are scandal, kardashians, breaking bad (yeah I know it's over) , parenthood , being Mary Jane, the haves and have nots! 

What are yours and why do you like them? 

Monday, March 17, 2014

ST. Pattys day

Hope you all had a great saint Patricks day. Hopefully you didn't get pinched :-) 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

California Drought

It is March and it's 75 degrees in Northern California...  How do you plan on maintaining your garden this spring/summer?? with the water restrictions?